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How to Transfer Ownership of Vehicle

How to Transfer Ownership of Vehicle

Selling a car takes more time than buying one. Whether the vehicle is a four-wheeler or two, the buyer and the seller must go through a lengthy process to buy or sell a car. On top of that, transferring its ownership is another job both the buyer and seller must do.

So, if you think that once you get a potential buyer and that person pays off the money, your job ends here, think again. You have to transfer the ownership to the buyer as well. To put it simply, with the transfer of ownership of a vehicle, you transfer the ownership of the car to the seller.

How to do that? You shall find that out below. We have mentioned small details, so you do not get confused in the future.

Table of Contents

When is Car/Bike Ownership Transfer Required?

Whether you sell a bike or a four-wheeler car, transfer of ownership is mandatory. But when should you do that? Let’s find out!

But whatever the reason is, both the buyer and the seller must submit some documents to the RTO to finish the ownership transfer process. Check out what those documents are.

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Circumstances of Vehicle Ownership Transfer:

There are mainly three reasons why a vehicle ownership transfer is required. Those are mentioned below:

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Documents Required for Car/Bike Ownership Transfer:

Note: Remember that if the car seller has bought the car before 2010, the PUC certificate needs to be renewed every three months. But, if the seller bought the vehicle after 2010, the Pollution Under Control certificate must be renewed yearly.

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Documents to Submit If the Vehicle Owner Dies:

If the vehicle owner dies, the buyer needs to submit the following documents to the RTO:

Car/Bike Ownership Transfer Cost:

The cost of ownership transfer of a vehicle is not fixed. The cost of car/bike ownership transfer depends on the state you live in.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transfer Car/Bike Ownership:

How To Transfer a Vehicle’s Ownership Offline?

You can transfer the vehicle’s ownership to the buyer using offline and online processes. We have mentioned the offline process below:

  1. Insurance
  2. The condition
  3. Mode of payment
  4. Registration Certificate

Note: This process may differ depending on which state you live in or if it is an interstate ownership transfer. 

How To Transfer a Vehicle’s Ownership Online?

If you do not want to perform the vehicle ownership transformation offline, then do not worry. You can do the same online as well. All you need to do is go to the ParivahanSewa website run by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

But remember, even though it is an online process, you will still have to follow some steps that require your physical presence. Follow the steps mentioned below: 

What are the Consequences of not Transferring Car/Bike Ownership?

Since transferring a vehicle’s ownership is mandatory according to the Indian Regulation Act, if a someone uses a used car without transferring its ownership, that person may have to face the following consequences:  

What Else is Required Along With Car/Bike Ownership Transfer?

When you sell a vehicle to someone, transferring your vehicle’s ownership is not the only thing you need to take care of. You need to hand over the vehicle’s insurance certificate to the new buyer as well. You might have to apply to transfer the insurance certificate to the new buyer. We suggest you talk to the RTO to get clear insight about this.

Check How To Transfer Ownership Of Vehicle In Different Cities:

How to Transfer Ownership of Vehicle


Selling a car to someone is more complicated than buying one. Transferring the vehicle’s ownership to the buyer is another story. But since it is mandatory under the regulation act of 1988, both the buyer and the seller must take care of it. But if you are confused about transferring your vehicle’s ownership to someone, follow the steps mentioned above.


Yes. You can face legal charges for not transferring vehicle ownership.

When you sell your second-hand car to someone else, apply for transfer of vehicle ownership to the RTO office.

You can check the status of your vehicle ownership transfer online in the official website of Parivahan Sewa.

The local RTO that provides the registration certificate to the vehicle owner issues a NOC certificate for the vehicle registration process.

It takes nearly a month to transfer car/bike ownership in India.

The Motor vehicle regulation Act, 1988 governs the vehicle ownership transfer in India.

No. You cannot carry out the entire vehicle transfer process online. However, you can apply for the new Registration certificate online. To get the new Registration Certificate, you need to go to the RTO office and submit the necessary documents.

The validity of a vehicle’s registration certificate is five years.

If you have taken a car loan from a bank, you need to repay the loan first and then sell it. However, if you have obtained a personal loan to buy a car, you can sell it whenever you want.

The fees for RC transfer within a state vary depending on which state you live in.

No. The presence of the concerned vehicle at the RTO is not mandatory for RC transfer.

Yes. The vehicle’s insurance policy is required for RC transfer.

Yes. You can change your name on your vehicle’s RC.

You need to go to the official website of Parivahan Sewa and apply for your vehicle's RC transfer.

Yes. You can apply for a new RC book online through the Parivahan Sewa website. After the verification, you will get the RC book either by post or email.

The RTO fee for processing the vehicle’s transfer of ownership or the cost to transfer car registration is different for various states.

No. If your car is under hypothecation, you need to remove it first and then start the process of ownership transfer.

If you want to transfer a car from one person’s name to another person’s name, you need to apply for a new Registration Certificate to the RTO. You can do it both online and offline.

You need to talk to the previous owner of the vehicle and apply for a new Registration Certificate at the RTO office.

Yes. You can register your vehicle in a different district than the one where you purchased the vehicle. But for that, you need to submit the NOC to the RTO.

Yes. According to the Motor vehicle Act, 1988, you can transfer the car’s insurance policy to the new owner at the time of selling.

You need the vehicle’s insurance certificate, PUC, NOC(in case of interstate ownership transfer), PAN card, address proof, registration card, succession certificate(in case the car owner is dead), tax payment receipt, and Form 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 60, 61 (whichever required).

The answer to this question is unavailable right now. Before you transfer a passenger vehicle to a differently-abled person, talk to the RTO office.

The seller needs to issue a succession certificate to the regional court and after that, applying for ownership transfer is possible if the owner/permit holder has died.

You can go to Parivahan Sewa's official website to check the date of the car ownership transfer.

To move a vehicle to a different state, the car owner or the seller has to apply for a NOC. Anyone, the buyer or the seller can pay the fees for issuing the NOC.

The process of transferring ownership of a vehicle is the same even if you purchase a car from an auction. But you must show the government’s permission for the auction and the proof that the car has been sold to you.

There is no online method available to apply for a road tax refund. But you can submit your vehicle’s necessary documents to the RTO to apply for a road tax refund.

There is no answer available to this question. But it is better not to take the vehicle out of the registration state because it can be considered as breaching the Motor vehicle law.

You need to keep renewing the RC of a private vehicle every five years.

You can check the vehicle transfer date through Parivahan Sewa's official website.

Yes. You can transfer both the vehicle and its insurance policy to the new owner.

It takes around three to four working days to transfer the ownership of a bike purchased from CSD.

Usually, the new owner gets the car insurance at the time of purchasing the car from its previous owner. But the new owner may need to apply for the transfer of insurance policy once the previous owner sells the car.

The seller needs to submit the valid documents to the RTO to initiate the process of car ownership transfer. Talk to the RTO office for further details.